Ну пусть будут и 2000-е, тем более тут больше половины я сам угадал
A - Amelie
B - Brokeback Mountain
C - Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
D - Devil Wears Prada
E - Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind
F - Flags of our Fathers
G - Gangs of New-York
H - Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire
I - Illusionist
J - Juno
K - Kill Bill Vol. 1
L - Lord of the Rings: Fellowship of the Ring
M - Meet the Parents
N - Napoleon Dynamite
O - O Brother, Where Art Thou
P - Phone Booth
Q - Queen
R - Road to Perdition
S - Shaun of the Dead
T - Team America: World Police
U - Unbreakable
V - V for Vendetta
W - Wrestler
X - X-Men: Oriigns Wolverine
Y - Y Tu Mamá También
Z - Zoolander
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